Elderly Alarms for Seniors with High Risk Illnesses

If your loved one experiences a serious fall or an illness that sends the patient into shock or become unable to speak, having a senior alarm could be life saving. If you or your loved one is affected by any of these illnesses common to seniors, you should request information about alarms for the elderly as soon as possible.

Condition: Diabetes

What is it? A disorder that impacts the body’s ability to break down sugar, diabetes is increasingly common among Americans.

Why do people with diabetes need alarms for the elderly? Diabetics can often experience periods of extremely low blood sugar which can lead to dizziness, double vision and a lack of coordination. During severe attacks, the person might even go into convulsions.

Condition: Arthritis

What is it? Inflammation of the joints that can be incredibly painful. Osteoarthritis is common among older populations and is most likely to impact hips and knees.

Why do people need it? A rapid onset of pain to hips or knees can increase the likelihood of a fall.

Condition: Asthma

What is it? Asthma is the tightening and inflammation of the respiratory airways that cause coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, and excessive mucus that blocks normal breathing.

Why do people need it? Asthma-related deaths are highest in people over 75. As asthmatics age, their airways lose elasticity and close on less provocation. During an “episode” or asthma attack, breathing becomes more difficult and painful. If asthma sufferers don't receive treatment quickly, they won't be able to speak and might get to the point of losing consciousness. Alarms for the elderly allow the person to call for assistance with the push of a button, even if she is not able to speak.

Condition: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

What is it? A disorder that causes the lungs to become severely swollen to the point that air cannot flow in and out normally.

Why do COPD sufferers need it? During COPD flare-ups, lungs suddenly produce more mucus and airways suddenly contract. These attacks are often life-threatening. If symptoms suddenly get worse, the COPD sufferer will need emergency medical services.

Condition: Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest

What is it? A heart attack occurs when coronary heart disease blocks the blood flow to a section of the heart muscle. If flow is not restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die. Heart attack symptoms could be sudden and intense pain in the chest area, although sometimes the pain could be mild and go away to later come back. The person also experiences numbness of the face, shoulders, legs or arms.

Why do people need it? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. If you experience any of the symptoms, you need to get emergency medical treatment immediately. Clot-dissolving medication can stop or control a heart attack or stroke in progress. Quick response is vital to reduce the immediate and long term effects of these events.

Condition: Acute Glaucoma

What is it? Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects the optic nerve and elevates the pressure inside the eye over time. However, during an acute glaucoma attack, the optical pressure increases rapidly.

Why do people need it? An acute glaucoma attack requires immediate treatment. The sudden rise in optical pressure is so painful that the person experiences nausea and vomiting. Vision could be permanently destroyed if the medical assistance is delayed.

Condition: Osteoporosis

What is it? People with osteoporosis have porous bones that are less resistant to stress and more likely to fracture.

Why do people need it? Osteoporosis is the main cause of fractures in the elder population.  After a person with osteoporosis falls, the pain caused by a broken hip or other bones can be so intense that the person is unable to get to a phone to call for help.

Condition: Weak muscles

What is it? Failure to exercise regularly and the aging process itself causes decreased flexibility, muscle tone, and strength. These three conditions contribute to falls in the elderly and increase the possibility of injury.

Why alarms for the elderly? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every three seniors will fall at least once a year. Ten percent of these falls will cause a bone fracture or other related injury. The longer the person stays on the floor unattended, the less likely is that she will be able to return to live an independent life.

Condition: Vertigo and dizziness

What is it? Vertigo is the sensation of having dizziness and feeling unsteady in a stable environment. The majority of seniors over 70 commonly complain of vertigo. Sleeping pills, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications can further affect balance and increase the likelihood of a fall.

Why do people need it? The likelihood of a fall is very high in people suffering of vertigo and dizziness. Ten percent of the falls will cause a bone fracture or other related injury.


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